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Crypto Market Update: Bitcoin Approaches $70,000 as India Tallies Votes

Sanika Bane

- 04/6/2024

As India counts votes for its general elections, Bitcoin is approaching the $70,000 mark, driven by favorable US inflation da...

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SEC Heightens Scrutiny on Crypto Exchanges and DeFi Platforms

Sanika Bane

- 20/9/2023

The US SEC is ramping up its regulatory actions against notable cryptocurrency exchanges and DeFi platforms, signalling a per...

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Prominent Digital Asset Holder Shifts Massive Amount of SHIB Tokens

Parth Dubey

- 25/8/2023

A notable Shiba Inu token holder has shifted a vast sum of 708 billion SHIB from a Gemini account amidst the turbulent Shibar...

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Nvidia Capitalises on the AI Revolution: A Financial Triumph for the Tech Titan

Sanika Bane

- 24/8/2023

Nvidia, a frontrunner in graphics technology, showcases stellar financial growth, underscoring the company's dominant role in...

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